NewsPokémon GO

Trubbish featured as Spotlight Hour Pokémon in Pokémon GO on April 23, 2024

Trash is everywhere, and so there will be trash bags in Pokémon GO today.

Not literally, but for today’s Spotlight Hour, on April 23, 2024, the featured Pokémon whose name is Trubbish, the Trash Bag Pokémon, will be joining the game all over the world for exactly one hour. I am really excited to try and catch a hundo or a shundo Trubbish.

Spotlight Hours are one of the most loveable events in Pokémon GO, and they always happen on Tuesdays. So if a month has three Tuesdays, we will have three Spotlight Hours. If the month has five Tuesdays, we are in great luck given that we will have five Spotlight Hours. This event always takes place from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. local time, and this is the time when Trainers will see an abundance of the featured Pokémon on their maps. It is a great sight too.

As always, there is a bonus active for each Spotlight Hour, and for the one on April 23, 2024, the active bonus is going to be 2x XP for catching Pokémon. Trubbish is also one of the “special” Pokémon, where you will be granted extra Stardust per Trubbish catch. If you have Lucky Eggs, Star Piece, anything literally, you can use it to get loads of Stardust. Plus, you can use Roar of Time Adventure Effect to pause the timers on the items.

Last but not least, you can use Mega Venusaur or Mega Beedrill to maximize the effects of getting more XP and Candy.

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Ivana Kachurova

Fresh out-of-uni writer, with a passion for gaming (a girl that likes games?!) and technology, as the newest addition to the FGR family, she will make sure to keep up with the latest news happening in the gaming community and report to you as fast as she can. Faster than The Flash. As an absolute fan of Shakespeare (the greatest human being, duh) you might find her where the gaming world and the literature world collide. The best of both worlds.

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