
Ubisoft Toronto Joins Development of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake

Ubisoft Toronto is officially stepping into the ring to help Ubisoft Montreal bring “Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time” back from the past and into the future. This iconic game is getting a serious overhaul, and two of Ubisoft’s heavyweight studios are now tag-teaming it.

The announcement came on X, as Ubisoft Toronto stated: “We’re excited to rewind time and bring our studio’s creativity, expertise, and updated tech to refresh this beloved classic with our partners at Ubisoft Montreal.”

Ubisoft Montreal, the legends behind the original game, knows this game inside and out. Ubisoft Toronto is known for its technical prowess and innovative approach, meaning we might be looking which means we’re likely looking at some huge upgrades. Better graphics or smoother gameplay… it doesn’t really matter, as long as some of it its there.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, first released in 2003, surprised everyone with its time-manipulation mechanics and storyline. It set the bar high for action-adventure games. and the anticipation for this remake is through the roof. We’re talking about a game that defined a generation, getting a makeover from some of the best in the biz.

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Angel Kicevski

I am ANGE1K. I started playing video games a long time ago. In a blink of an eye, I became a hardcore gamer. A couple of years later, I traversed to the professional Counter-Strike 1.6 scene. After the competitive ERA, I managed to find the gaming industry amusing and started working on FGR. 8 years after founding FGR, my mission remains the same. That is to discover secrets within the gaming industry, create guides for all the games I play, and provide you with some important news. Oh, yeah, I post tons of patch notes too. Currently stuck in WoW with high M+ keys, Tarkov, a bit of Gray Zone Warfare, Dota 2, and CS2. P.S. Last time I counted how many hours I've spent in video games turned out to be 13+ years. And that was a long time ago too. Almost 24/7 in front of PC. If you need anything, feel free to contact me on X!

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