
Concord’s Open Beta starts on July 18

CONCORD’s open beta is just around the corner, starting on July 18 through 21. For those who haven’t had the chance to get to know CONCORD, the game has a roster of 16 heroes, 12 maps, 6 modes. The game’s Price Tag has already been revealed earlier this month, and what’s quite assuring is that the post-launch content, including seasons, will be completely free.

According to insider sources, the movement in CONCORD feels fluid. Some, if not the most characters will have a double jump available, while some can even triple jump or dodge. Heroes come equipped with two abilities and a passive skill, but notably, there are no ultimates.

Each Freegunner has a unique weapon and health pool, bringing distinct playstyles to the battlefield. Before a match, you must select a small crew of heroes to choose from and you can only swap between these selected heroes during the game. This strategic layer ensures that players need to plan their team composition carefully.

CONCORD will also offer both single-life and respawn modes, and will also feature weekly story vignettes. These narrative snippets will unfold gradually, teaching the players about the lore and what they’re battling for.

We’ll have to wait a bit more until July 18, or try to get early access on July 12 through July 16. People do expect a solid product and awesome gameplay, so there’s that. Until then, stay tough!

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Angel Kicevski

I am ANGE1K. I started playing video games a long time ago. In a blink of an eye, I became a hardcore gamer. A couple of years later, I traversed to the professional Counter-Strike 1.6 scene. After the competitive ERA, I managed to find the gaming industry amusing and started working on FGR. 8 years after founding FGR, my mission remains the same. That is to discover secrets within the gaming industry, create guides for all the games I play, and provide you with some important news. Oh, yeah, I post tons of patch notes too. Currently stuck in WoW with high M+ keys, Tarkov, a bit of Gray Zone Warfare, Dota 2, and CS2. P.S. Last time I counted how many hours I've spent in video games turned out to be 13+ years. And that was a long time ago too. Almost 24/7 in front of PC. If you need anything, feel free to contact me on X!

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