
Astro Bot’s File Size Estimated to be around 66GB

Team Asobi and Sony have been hinting that the new Astro Bot game would be a grand experience, and it looks like they weren’t kidding. The upcoming 3D platformer is set to be the largest in the franchise, and this is reflected in its file size.

Recent leaks from Twitter user @Genki_JPN have shown images of the Japanese physical copy, revealing that the game will need about 66 GB of storage space. This is a massive increase compared to previous titles in the series. For example, Astro Bot Rescue Mission for the PS VR was around 8 GB, and Astro’s Playroom on PS5 was about 11 GB. The tweet itself can be found below:

Developer Team Asobi has previously described Astro Bot as a really big game… the biggest in the franchise so far. It was also said that the game is seemingly going to be reflected in the game’s file size as well. Team Asobi and Sony have previously touted the upcoming platformer as Astro’s biggest adventure to date.

In comparison, Astro Bot Rescue Mission for the PS VR had a file size of roughly 8 GB, while the file size for Astro’s Playroom on PS5 was roughly 11 GB- so there’s quite a significant jump here. 66 GB is, of course, a fairly average size for a modern game on PS5, so it’s still very much manageable.

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Amie Gammons

A huge fan of puzzlers. Would love to experience the world and takedown on every single and upcoming game title. In the free time love to sing, follow recent game rumors and try to decrypt them in the best possible way.

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