Mobile GamesNewsPokémon GO

Pokémon GO 4x catch XP and Stardust bonuses should be a regular feature, not just an event perk

Let’s cut to the chase, folks – everyone loves a good bonus, especially in Pokémon GO. This year’s Go Fest was like a rollercoaster ride, and guess what? It didn’t end there. Niantic and Pokémon GO upped the ante by introducing an “event within an event,” namely the Ultra Unlock bonus, a part of the ongoing A Paldean Adventure. And to say we were thrilled is an understatement.

Until September 10, 2023, trainers can reap the benefits of a whopping 4x catch XP and Stardust. That’s right, not just during the A Paldean Adventure event, but also during the Ultra Unlock. Imagine what you can do with 10 days of 4x catch XP and Stardust. Powering up Pokémon, leveling up – heck, this is your shot to go all out!

But here’s the thing – why stop there? This isn’t just a fleeting, “Oh cool, a bonus!” moment. This is a wake-up call to Niantic: trainers need these bonuses. Not once in a blue moon, but more often. So, let’s dive into why these bonuses should become a more regular feature

For seasoned trainers and even newcomers, XP and Stardust are like the bread and butter of Pokémon GO. You need Stardust for everything from powering up your Pokémon to trading, and XP? Well, you can’t climb up the ranks without it. With the 4x bonus, leveling up isn’t just a grind; it’s a sprint. Imagine gaining XP at this rate regularly – more trainers could unlock those high-level rewards and participate in more advanced raids. And let’s face it, in a game where the social aspect is as important as the gameplay, everyone having a fair shot at climbing up the ranks is a win-win.

In a game built around community interaction, bonuses like 4x catch XP and Stardust can act as catalysts in community events. From raids to gym battles to trading, the ripple effect of these bonuses can be immense. Not to mention, it incentivizes players to go out and explore (safely, of course) – which is what Pokémon GO is all about.

NOTE: Without question, using Friendship EXP in conjunction with Lucky Eggs offers the fastest track to leveling up. Right now, activating a Lucky Egg when you hit ‘Best Friend’ status rewards you with an incredible 300,000 EXP. Do that with 40 ‘Best Friends,’ and you’re raking in a monumental 12 million EXP.

So, trainers, it’s not just about this one event or the other. It’s about recognizing what makes the game more engaging for its massive community. We at Future Game Releases firmly believe that bonuses like the 4x catch XP and Stardust need to be more commonplace in Pokémon GO. And not just during mega-events like Go Fest.

What are your thoughts? Do you think Pokémon GO should make these bonuses a more regular feature? Let’s get a conversation going in the comments below.

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Dejan Kacurov

Hello everyone! My name is Dejan, but you can call me Mr.D. I enjoy all video games, especially Apex Legends, Pokemon Go, and Spider-Man. A husband and father of two who also goes to the gym often and does Crossfit. I got inspiration for gaming exactly 8 years ago, and I've been writing gaming news for 7 years. I hope that you will find all the answers to your questions regarding gaming on our site. Stay healthy, and love each other!

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