
Ironmace Reveals Warlock Class for Dark and Darker

Ironmace Studios, the team behind the medieval fantasy-based extraction multiplayer RPG Dark and Darker, is pressing forward with updates despite an ongoing legal tussle. The developer recently unveiled their new class, the Warlock, along with a gameplay video that excited fans. The video of the Warlock gameplay is embedded above.

The Dark and Darker community was treated to a sneak peek of the Warlock in action on the official YouTube channel. According to the developer, the class is currently under testing, and they are hopeful for a release soon.

Fans are already enthusiastic over the Warlock’s visual aesthetics, particularly its armor. Beyond its intriguing look, the Warlock’s gameplay also fascinates fans’ attention. The class allows players to wield an Arming Sword with a Crystal Ball. The combination is an exciting and unique take on the traditional dark magic spell-caster archetype.

Ironically, all these developments are unfolding against a significant legal controversy. Ironmace has faced issues from a cease and desist letter and a DMCA takedown notice that led to the game’s delisting on Steam. Allegations of stolen code and assets from publisher Nexon, a company many Ironmace team members used to work for, have sparked the dispute.

Despite these challenges, Ironmace keeps the game alive by encouraging fans to torrent the latest playtest. The torrent was released on the game’s Discord server, which demonstrates Ironmace’s commitment to its fans, albeit unconventional.

The Warlock class reveal and continued development updates in the face of adversity are signs of Ironmace’s dedication to Dark and Darker. The community support is stronger than ever, with fans rallying behind the studio, expressing their excitement for the game and gratitude for the developer’s efforts.

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Amie Gammons

A huge fan of puzzlers. Would love to experience the world and takedown on every single and upcoming game title. In the free time love to sing, follow recent game rumors and try to decrypt them in the best possible way.

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