Video Game Updates & Patch Notes

Overwatch 2 Season 11 Patch Notes, Details, and more

Overwatch 2 fans, Season 11 is finally here, and after playing it for a bit, I have to say that plenty of changes feel superior.

This season, we’re diving into a battle against the forces of evil led by Mythic Calamity Empress Ashe and her trusty sidekick, B.O.B. Plus, celebrate Overwatch, hitting 100 million players with the return of Pink Mercy. From June 25 to July 8, Blizzard will donate 100% of the purchase price (excluding platform fees and taxes) of the Rose Gold Mercy Bundle to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

This season introduces a new Community Crafted mode featuring balance changes and hero tweaks designed by content creators like Emongg, Custa, TQQ, and Eskay, which is quite good, not gonna lie. Also, players will be able to Sharpen their skills with the new Hero Mastery courses for Kiriko and Soldier: 76. Practice your Swift Step and Tactical Visor in new challenges from June 20 to July 9, earning new rewards and up to 22,500 Battle Pass XP.

Explore the new Push map, Runasapi, which is set high in the Peruvian Andes. Navigate through vibrant marketplaces and historical sites as you escort TS-1 through tight streets and avoid precarious cliffs.

Season 11 Highlights: Mythic Calamity Empress Ashe and Pink Mercy

This season, we’re diving into a battle against the forces of evil led by Mythic Calamity Empress Ashe and her trusty sidekick, B.O.B. Plus, celebrate Overwatch hitting 100 million players with the return of Pink Mercy. From June 25 to July 8, Blizzard will donate 100% of the purchase price (excluding platform fees and taxes) of the Rose Gold Mercy Bundle to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Don’t miss out on unlocking the Aztec Sombra Bundle through challenges and enjoying the Community Crafted mode curated by popular streamers.

Community Crafted Mode

This season introduces a new Community Crafted mode, featuring balance changes and hero tweaks designed by content creators like Emongg, Custa, TQQ, and Eskay. Get ready for some wild abilities like Baptiste sharing his kit with Ana and Reaper’s Wraith Form getting an extra sting.

Hero Mastery Updates

Sharpen your skills with new Hero Mastery courses for Kiriko and Soldier: 76. Practice your Swift Step and Tactical Visor in new challenges from June 20 to July 9, earning new rewards and up to 22,500 Battle Pass XP.

New Map: Runasapi

Explore the new Push map, Runasapi, set high in the Peruvian Andes. Navigate through vibrant marketplaces and historical sites as you escort TS-1 through tight streets and avoid precarious cliffs.

Challenge Updates

Weekly Challenges now offer a catch-up system, allowing you to complete past challenges at any time during the season. New Weekly Milestones are also introduced, providing progress by completing other Weekly Challenges.

Competitive Play Updates

Competitive play sees several updates, including displaying Rank Percentage on the Competitive Progress page and renaming “Win Streak” and “Loss Streak” to “Win Trend” and “Loss Trend.” Additional parameters ensure better queue times, and a button to view the match’s final Scoreboard has been added.

Hero Updates


  • Knockdown time for charging abilities collision reduced from 2 to 1.7 seconds.

Tank Heroes


  • Fusion Cannons: Weapon spread reduced from 3.75 to 3.375 degrees.
  • Boosters: Impact damage increased from 15 to 25.

Junker Queen

  • Jagged Blade: Now pulls tanks further.
  • Rampage: Startup time reduced from 0.75 to 0.5 seconds.


  • Javelin Spin: Cooldown reduced from 9 to 8 seconds.


  • Base health reduced from 650 to 600.
  • Take a Breather: Damage reduction reduced from 50% to 40%.

Damage Heroes


  • Peacekeeper: Secondary fire damage reduced from 50 to 45.
  • Combat Roll: Damage reduction reduced from 75% to 50%.
  • Flashbang: Replaces Magnetic Grenade. Hinders for 1.2 seconds, prevents crouching, deals 45 damage, 12-second cooldown.
  • Deadeye: Movement speed penalty and damage reduction now scale down over time.


  • Endothermic Blaster: Secondary fire base projectile size reduced from 0.15 to 0.12 meters. Damage increased from 75 to 85.


  • Hellfire Shotguns: Weapon spread reduced from 6.5 to 6 degrees.
  • Shadow Step: Cast time reduced from 1.5 to 1.2 seconds.


  • Railgun: Secondary fire damage scaling reduced from 30-130 to 1-100. No longer requires Overclock to pierce enemies. Primary fire shots per second increased from 14 to 16.
  • Overclock: Energy charge rate increased from 100 to 120 per second.


  • Base health increased from 100 to 125 (total health 250 to 275).
  • Photon Projector: Primary fire charge rate increased by 25%.

Support Heroes


  • Outburst: Damage increased from 10 to 25.
  • Healing Pylon: Healing per projectile increased from 30 to 40. Pylon healing is now half as effective when targeting Illari. Max health increased from 100 to 125.


  • Swift Step: Cooldown increased from 7 to 8 seconds.
  • Protection Suzu: No longer cleanses hard knockdown stuns.

Map Updates


  • Added stairs at first checkpoint for additional pathing.
  • Extended map with a new lowered section and mega health pack behind the second checkpoint.
  • Added a route through a building connecting spawn/final point to the second checkpoint.
  • Initial spawn building moved back for better navigation.
  • Adjusted stairs and cover around the final point.

Push Maps

  • Reduced match time from 10 to 8 minutes in Quick Play.
  • Increased push robot speed by 10% when pushing the barricade in Quick Play and Competitive.

Bug Fixes

  • Numbani: Fixed pieces of the environment allowing abilities to pass through.
  • New Junk City: Fixed lighting in some areas.
  • Hollywood: Fixed areas causing players to become stuck.


  • Junker Queen: Fixed Commanding Shout audio bug with Teleporter.
  • Reinhardt: Charge now correctly damages Ice Wall and Tree of Life.
  • Venture: Fixed infinite burrowing bug, Drill Dash description, and Tectonic Shock ultimate charge bug.
  • Zarya: Fixed Particle Shielded Zarya blocking teleporter use.

That’s it, folks! Dive into Season 11, and may your games be as epic as ever.

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Amie Gammons

A huge fan of puzzlers. Would love to experience the world and takedown on every single and upcoming game title. In the free time love to sing, follow recent game rumors and try to decrypt them in the best possible way.

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